An adorable farm book for little ones!
Our animal-loving hero is very excited. They are going to spend a wonderful day at a small, organic farm. The child is going with a parent, grandparent or a special adult in their life. Both the child and adult cannot wait to meet the cute animals that live on the cozy farm.
They see cows grazing on the green grass and count the pigs, who are taking a mud bath. They collect eggs in the henhouse and help to shear some sheep. They pet some cute rabbits, blow on dandelions and visit some kittens, who are playing hide and seek with a little mouse. Maybe, the child is very lucky and also gets to ride a little pony, too!
This sweet picture book has short texts, which actively involve the child in the reading experience and encourage a dialogue between the child and the narrator. There is a special focus on learning the sounds that the cute animals make.
Suitable for children aged 0-3 years.
Autor: Helena Joy
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